

The Misbehaved

Jessica Jayne

Customer & Industry Reviews of The Misbehaved

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  Review by Cat's Reviews

"The Misbehaved" by Jessica Jayne is a fun, sexy read that had me wishing for more.  I really, really liked our main characters - Nat and Drake.  Ms. Jayne writing style flowed and the story was good - had me smiling, cringing and laughing...I highly recommend "The Misbehaved" 

  Review by Lily's Book World

I loved how the chemistry between them started to show, I loved how it developed and...something else which I won’t tell or else I will not be able to keep this review without spoilers. Guys, a friendly advice: check it out! If the cover is not enough, read the blurb. If you’re not yet convinced, try reading the book a fellow reviewer!

  Review by The TBR Pile

I enjoyed this story. Natalea is full of life and even though she has had a tough time, she has a positive attitude. Drake and Natalea are definitely sizzling together. I love how their story comes together. I wish it is a little longer because I feel the ending is rushed somewhat but still a good story! 

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