

The Alien King and I

By Lizzie Lynn Lee

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Book Description
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Lindsey is expecting a big surprise for her thirtieth birthday. Something along the lines of a male stripper, courtesy of her best friend. But she didn't expect her hot stripper fun to include a kidnapping…or the fact that the stripper is an alien intent on stripping them both!

General Release Date: 1st January 1970

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: fb_2270
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY

About the author
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Lizzie Lynn Lee

Hello, my name is Lizzie. I'm a simple gal, love watching TV, playing guitar, and enjoying chocolate and spicy food. I have been writing as long as I can remember. Originally I want to be a horror writer, like my hero Stephen King. But I find writing smut is more fun than writing dismembered body parts. I also want to be a ninja but I heard the pay is peanut. Plus my HMO does not cover throwing star accident. Wanna send me an email? Drop me a line at

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