

Spring Training

By Devon Rhodes

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Book Description
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With two diverging careers on the line, Teri and Aaron are torn between the right thing to do…and what feels so right to them.
With a son who's played since he could walk, Teri lives, eats and breathes baseball. She was almost more excited than Emery when his invitation to a minor league team's training camp came. But excited doesn't begin to describe her reaction to Em's new mentor, Aaron Reynolds. A spring fling? Just the ticket.

Fighting a chronic injury, Aaron is biding his time until he can return to the majors. Being assigned a mixed-up rookie to babysit is fine with him, especially one that come with a sassy, sexy camp follower like Teri. But he soon finds he has his hands full…trying to keep Emery on the straight and narrow…and trying to keep his liason with Teri strictly physical.

General Release Date: 7th March 2011

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-491-0
Word Count: 15,839
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 45
Genres: AGE GAP

About the author
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Devon Rhodes

Devon started reading and writing at an early age and never looked back. At 39 and holding, Devon finally figured out the best way to channel her midlife crisis was to morph from mild-mannered stay-at-home mom to erotic romance writer. She lives in Oregon with her family, who are (mostly) understanding of all the time she spends on her laptop, aka the black hole.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Whipped Cream Reviews

Spring love is in the air!...Ms. Rhodes is an auto-buy for me and if you are a fan of hers, this is a title you are sure to enjoy.

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