

Tom Jones: Part Three

By Lynne Connolly

Clandestine Classics collection (Book #16)

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Book Description
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The Classics Exposed…

Part three of The History of Tom Jones.

Tom and Sophia travel through England, leaving havoc in their wake.

Part three of Tom Jones, Henry Fielding's saga of a young man's bawdy adventures in Georgian England, with added naughty bits! Forced to leave the love of his life, Tom finds consolation in the arms of several ladies and one or two gentlemen. The irresistibly handsome, insatiable boy becomes a man, but he is still steadfast, in his way, to his beloved Sophia.

Sophia has adventures of her own, and reaches London before Tom, to confront the voracious peeress, her cousin and her lover. But Tom still holds the only place in her heart.

These two search for each other, and when they finally meet, their love is rekindled, but fate is still playing games with them, and they have a way to travel yet, before it's possible for them to reach their happy ending. If, of course, there is one.

You only pay for the words our authors have added—not for the original content.

Reader Advisory: This book contains a few FF scenes.

General Release Date: 5th July 2013

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-363-5
Word Count: 109,777
Language: English
Pages: 280

About the author
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Lynne Connolly

Lynne Connolly has been in epublishing since the Wild West days. She's holding on, and these days she writes for several epublishers. After a varied career in business in which she sold baby nappies, coffee and beer, she took a break, and ended up writing instead. She lives in England, but tries to visit the US at least once a year. She lives in the North West of England with her family and her mews, Jack. Her website is and she is also on Twitter and Facebook.


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