


By Ashley Ladd

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Book Description
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Katie's life is one huge shipwreck. But when she runs away from one disaster, bigger ones await.

Whilst fleeing from her rich and powerful ex-fiancé, Katie McLaughlin's ship runs aground. Lo and behold, she is shipwrecked on a deserted tropical island with Scott Vanderhorne, a man ten times more rich and powerful than her ex, a man with a fiancée back home. To survive, Katie and Scott must join together, but many dangers await, especially to their hearts.

General Release Date: 23rd July 2007

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-906328-02-3
Word Count: 41,725
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 115

About the author
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Ashley Ladd

Ashley Ladd lives in South Florida with her husband, five children, and beloved pets. She loves the water, animals (especially cats), and playing on the computer.

She's been told she has a wicked sense of humour and often incorporates humour and adventure into her books. She also adores very spicy romance, which she weaves into her stories.

Reviews (4)
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  Reviewed by Pam

I enjoyed the story and would definitely read more by this author in the future...

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  Reviewed by The Romance Studio

...this story has something for everyone and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

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