

Salacious Sale

By Lola White

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Book Description
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She has no choice but to put it all on the line…

Olivia Raines is trying to make her ranch a commercial success, but the odds—and the town mayor—are against her. Her elderly neighbor is in poor health, so she turns to his grandson for help, determined to use everything at her disposal, risking even her heart, to get the security she needs.

With his grandfather’s medical bills piling up, Creek Bend’s mayor demanding their water rights and Big Oil offering cash on the barrelhead, Cody O’Neal admits that the sale of the Double O seems inevitable.

He has to decide which is worth more—riches, after generations of struggling for prosperity, or love, the only thing the O’Neals have ever gotten right.

General Release Date: 27th June 2017

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78686-212-9
Word Count: 30,846
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 92

About the author
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Lola White

Delve into the emotions, dive into the erotic.

An extensive traveler who loves to incorporate various legends from around the world into her tales, author Lola White likes to twist reality at its edges in her stories. She likes delving into the emotions of her characters, finding their strengths and weaknesses, and seeing (and showing) how they get themselves out of whatever trouble has found them—if they can.

You can find Lola on Goodreads and follow her on Facebook and Twitter


Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Wicked Reads

"The chemistry between the main characters is very fear and adrenaline was a decent story."

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