

Chasing Charlie

By Raven McAllan

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Book Description
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He’s never had to chase a female before. Jake discovers it’s make a move or miss out. Chasing Charlie isn’t as simple as it sounds.

Jake Bannerman, aka Jake the Rake, isn’t used to doing the running, it’s usually the other way around. He hasn’t been given that sobriquet for nothing.

Charlotte—Charlie—Allsop, newly arrived in Scotland, is in for a culture shock. She has no time for his attitude and no intention of making his life easy. If he wants her, it’s up to him to make the first move.

Which he does—just not in the way anyone expects. He teases, she retaliates, and when he discovers her middle name, she enlists his sister’s help.

As they continue the most unconventional courtship, where neither will give way, sparks fly. It’s amusing to watch, not so much to be part of it.

Until the cookery contest.

When they both enter, the competition takes second place to their one-upmanship. Or does it? Will Jake be Jake the no longer rake? Will he have no need to be chasing Charlie? Only time will tell.

Publisher's Note: This book was previously released in the Bully for You anthology.

General Release Date: 16th June 2020

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-404-4
Word Count: 24,257
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 102

About the author
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Raven McAllan

After 30 plus years in Scotland, Raven now lives near the east Yorkshire coast, with her long-suffering husband, who is used to rescuing the dinner, when she gets immersed in her writing, keeping her coffee pot warm and making sure the wine is chilled.

With a new home to decorate and a garden to plan, she’s never short of things to do, but writing is always at the top of her list.

Her other hobbies include walking along the coast and spotting the wildlife, reading, researching, cros stitch and trying not to drop stitches as she endeavours to knit.

Being left-handed, and knitting right-handed, that’s not always easy.

She loves hearing from her readers, either via her website, by email or social media.

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