

Sink or Swim

By Alexis Fleming

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Book Description
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Do mermaids have orgasms? Who knows, but she'd better find out quick before she exchanges her girly bits for fishy slits.

A mermaid who can't swim? What could be worse? When Samie McIntyre finds out she's about to turn into a mermaid, a legacy of her selkie father and mermaid mother, she realises she has one major problem. Well, er, maybe two… First, she can't swim. And second, she has aqua-phobia. What good is a mermaid who's afraid of the water? As far as she can see, there's only one thing to do. Talk the sexy Jonah Billings into teaching her to swim.

And if she can convince him to indulge in a bit of horizontal wrestling before she becomes a pickled sardine, so much the better.

General Release Date: 23rd July 2007

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-906328-01-6
Word Count: 20,026
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 57

About the author
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Alexis Fleming

Alexis Fleming writes stories dominated by sassy women and sexy macho men, by mouthy shifters and the odd delicious demon. You'll experience crazy, laugh-out-loud moments as you live vicariously through the antics of her characters. The magic of the paranormal and the suspense of a mystery to solve will tantalize all the way until the end.
Based in north Queensland, Australia, when Alexis is not interfering in the lives of her imaginary friends, she’s happy to get caught up with family and help her daughter, author Kelly Ethan, plot her next murderous adventure for her stories.
Nothing like keeping it in the family.

You can find Alexis at her website.


Reviews (4)
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  Reviewed by Two Lips Reviews

Sink or Swim is a fantastic story that you definitely don't want to miss. Alexis Fleming has such a smooth writing style that the dialogue just flows beautiful and doesn't miss a beat...

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  Reviewed by Romance Junkies Reviews

Hilarity and passion combine to make Sink or Swim a memorable story that is leaves you smiling.

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