

Tell Me You Love Me

By Patricia Pellicane

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Book Description
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Is his love enough for them to overcome her hatred?

When Kiya Harrison found herself safe and secure and nearly naked in his arms while in the midst of a raging storm, she was soon to learn that passions inside could easily match elements gone berserk beyond the small cabin.

Matthew Chase had found the one for him, but could he convince this wilful, luscious woman to put aside her prejudices. Would she ever admit to loving him?

General Release Date: 24th May 2010

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-146-9
Word Count: 115,004
Language: English
Pages: 315

About the author
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Patricia Pellicane

Patricia Pellicane lives on Long Island in New York with her husband and family. She enjoys reading, travelling in her motor home and especially enjoys her grandchildren. "Too bad we can't have grandchildren first. They're a kick." Most of all she loves to write.

Most of all she loves to write. ?Life's tough we all need a bit of fantasy now and then. For myself, I love a happy ending.?

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