One night…one fantasy for hire…one sizzling case of mistaken identity.
Ainsley Simmons can hardly believe she’s ordered a fantasy lover online for Valentine’s—a man to fulfill her deepest sexual desires for the entire evening. She’s in for a surprise when sexy young Mr R shows up at her door in a classic case of mistaken identity.
Ainsley has the night of her life being pleasured by the much younger and demanding multi-millionaire—until she discovers he’s not her fantasy lover after all.
He’s even better than that…
Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of bondage and anal sex.
General Release Date: 30th May 2014
Ainsley Simmons chewed on the end of her pencil, her fingers hovering over her laptop, wondering if she had the nerve. Staring at the screen, she tapped her foot nervously on the polished limestone floor. The rapid beat echoed through her sprawling penthouse. Pausing to pick up a business card, she flipped it over like a playing card, thumbing the linen card stock between her fingers.
All too aware that today was Valentine’s Day, the last thing Ainsley wanted to do was spend the evening alone. Not when her friends were being whisked off by their lovers and significant others to exotic locales, all while she sat in her vast Beverly Hills penthouse. Alone. At least Charles hadn’t taken her home from her when he’d cleaned her out and scampered off to Dubai with his newest flame.
Her gaze lingered on the business card and the elegant, embossed print.
Fantasies Inc.
No fantasy will go unfulfilled.
That was all it said. Nothing else.
Her closest friend, Tara, had discreetly handed Ainsley the card at her annual posh cocktail party last weekend. The who’s who of Hollywood had been in attendance that night, not that Ainsley had noticed—she’d been too busy drowning her sorrows in her martini glass. Glasses plural was more like it. No wonder she’d had a wicked hangover the next day. The card didn’t specify the kind of fantasies they specialised in, but Tara had told her. Sexual.
Maybe Tara was right—Fantasies Inc. might just be the perfect diversion from her troubles, if just for one night. Drumming her manicured nail on her desk and scanning the elaborate website, Ainsley was more than intrigued by the promise of a fun-filled rendezvous in the privacy of her own home, with no questions asked.
The company assured anonymity, and even provided a short online questionnaire to assist in the creation of the client’s perfect evening of pleasure.
The list of questions alone thrilled her. Preferred age, race, hair and eye color, build, sexual preferences, not to mention an impressive list of sexual specialties. Next to each choice there was a ‘surprise me’ option. Ainsley frowned. Not one for surprises, she knew just the type of lover that made her heart beat faster. The type of man she’d never had before. Mid-twenties, fair and muscular. Oh, and yes, one who wasn’t afraid to take control, to make her weak at the knees—at his command.
A flicker of desire wicked through her, right to her core. Deep down in her belly was an insistent need ached to be satisfied, tempted by blissful hours in the arms of her perfect fantasy lover.
Taking a long, slow swig of her champagne, the bubbles catching in her throat, she gathered her courage. Courage to do something rash, almost reckless—that was so unlike her, but then after Charles had left her, she’d been forced to be the new Ainsley. And the night of discreet pleasure might very well be her last five thousand dollars, but hours spent allowing herself—no, more like treating herself—to an evening all about her… Well, that was just what she craved. She’d think of it as a Valentine’s present to herself.
Quickly ticking off a few preferences, she noted the Valentine’s special, an upgrade to a second night of pleasure for a few thousand more. Two nights of mysterious erotic pleasures was just too much for both her body and her bank account to imagine. She’d best stick with one night and see how it went. Gulping down the rest of her champagne, she pressed the send button.
She exhaled as her credit card was approved for the deposit. The rest would be put on her tab and could be settled at the end of the fantasy. Plus gratuity. Oh, how does one tip for that? Her cheeks flushed and her pulse raced with the thought of what she’d just done.
* * * *
An hour later, Ainsley stopped nervously pacing her bedroom and paused to study her image in the floor to ceiling mirror. What did one wear for such an event? A man assigned to come to her home to fulfill her fantasies for the entire evening? She eyed her reflection critically, sucking in her tummy bulge that no amount of Pilates or sit-ups seemed to cure. Still, not too bad for forty-five, she conceded. At least the lights would be dimmed. She’d make sure of that.
Slipping on the La Perla lace demi bra, she nestled her breasts in the cups, then reached for the skimpy matching panties with barely a swathe of fabric to cover her derrière. The sheer fabric grazing against her bare flesh made her feel sexy when she slipped on the garter she’d unearthed from her lingerie drawer.
Kate Deveaux is a contemporary erotic romance writer and die-hard romantic. A former wedding planner, she has always been “in love” with love! Kate is currently working on several fictional stories—each filled with sexy romance, heroines who are no shrinking violets and heroes who make your heart skip a beat. She currently resides with her husband in the U.S. When Kate is not busy writing, she can be found on the tennis court—yes, there’s even ‘love’ in that game too.
You can take a look at Kate's website adn you can follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.
Reviewed by Words of Wisdom
This was an immensely satisfying story with witty banter, intense verbal foreplay, and sweet yet sensual and erotic interludes. Though we don't get a lot of background on these two people I still...
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Reviewed by Doing Some Reading
Platinum Pleasure is a fun and steamy short read and is the first book I’ve read from Kate Deveaux. And I can tell you it won’t be my last…
This is one short story folks should really try if the...
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Kate Deveaux - Cara Sutra feature
Hi, I’m Kate Deveaux and it’s a pleasure for me to be here today at Cara Sutra. I write toe- curling erotic romance and I confess that I love writing sizzling stories — the hotter the better.
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Kate Deveaux - The Romance Reviews feature
Q: Hi Kate, what is your stress buster? Born in London, and now living in the U.S., my answer to all stress is “put the kettle on.”
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