

Jolly Rogered: A Box Set

By Wendi Zwaduk, Ayla Ruse & Meg Harding

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Book Description
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'Ruined by the Pirate' by Wendi Zwaduk

Two adventurous souls will always find their way together.

Pirates aren’t in vogue in 1910, but that’s not stopping Captain Killian Thomas. His exploits have been splashed all over the newspapers for more than ten years. He takes what he wants, no questions asked. He’s happy with life on the water—until he sees her.

Sarah Moyer, heir to the Moyer real estate fortune, is a rare jewel among the upper crust. Her independent ways are notorious. She’s driven a car, traveled to England on her own, and now she flatly refuses to marry the man her father’s picked out for her. The chance encounter with Captain Thomas changes her perspectives. Will she follow the ways of a proper lady or will she allow herself to be ruined by the pirate?


'Temptation Released' by Ayla Ruse

“When is a pirate not a pirate? When he refuses to ravish a perfectly willing captive.” – Lady Elise Clifton

Raphael de la Torres, the pirate captain El Angel, is notorious for kidnapping travelers to the colonies. He leads a rewarding life, and one that cleverly covers his true purpose—getting close to the cousin who betrayed him.

Raphael’s latest capture, the beautiful Lady Elise Clifton, is the one person whose ransom will give him an edge. Simple plans are rarely simple, however. He must deliver her untouched in order to have his revenge, but Lady Elise is desire untapped, and more than ready for the taking. His every effort to frighten and push her away only excites her and tests his limits of control.

Lady Elise is desperate to get out of an unwanted engagement. She will do anything to avoid being under another man’s control, even seduce a pirate to ensure her ruin. To her mind, once the Captain ravishes her—as all notorious pirates do—she will be free. Her plans would be perfect if the Captain would cooperate, but no matter how hard she tries, the sexy Spaniard refuses to take her to his bed. 

With the currents stirring up between the two, will the sweet taste of revenge shift to a deeper passion, and will the control Elise is running away from, be exactly what she needs? 


'The Running Game' by Meg Harding

There’s something to be said about great adventure, an impossible moment in time when everything falls into place. This is undoubtedly her impossible moment.

Some people just don’t have any luck. On the run from her murderous fiancé and a very angry father, Irene is pretty sure her luck can’t get any worse. After all what’s worse than being the lone woman stuck on a cargo ship headed to the Americas? How about getting captured by pirates as her money and only shot at freedom sink to the bottom of the ocean? Not that she ever could have anticipated that.

Oliver is a man burdened with a great amount of luck and a fine sense for all things adventurous. Holding up one little cargo ship isn’t supposed to give him much more than a few bits of gold and some excitement. Who could have anticipated the spitfire on board who would turn his world inside out?

Things are about to get messy as Irene tramples all over Oliver’s image of a proper lady and sets about showing him just how much trouble one little woman can truly cause. Oliver has never enjoyed an adventure so much.


Reader Advisory: These books contain scenes of anal sex, voyeurism and dubious consent.

General Release Date: 1st September 2020

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-441-9
Word Count: 57,348
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 233

About the author
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Wendi Zwaduk, Ayla Ruse & Meg Harding

Wendi Zwaduk

Wendi Zwaduk is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to BDSM and LGBTQ themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been the runner up in the Kink Category at Love Romances Café as well as nominated at the LRC for best contemporary, best ménage and best anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on and the former AllRomance Ebooks. She also writes under the name of Megan Slayer.


When she’s not writing, she spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. 

You can find out more about Wendi on her website or on her blog. You can also find her on Instagram, Bookbub and Amazon.







Ayla Ruse

Handed a historical romance at the age of twelve, Ayla Ruse fell in love with love and with happy endings. Having grown up living life tasting a little of this and a little of that has not changed this attitude, but it's expanded her views. Love isn't always happy and it isn't always the way a person ?thinks it should be.? Sometimes it's outside the box, and it's always a challenge.

The challenge of finding and holding onto this love is what drives Ayla in her fiction. She likes stories that strip love ? among other things - down to the skin and tests the attachment and beliefs of the participants. Sometimes that test can come in the form of multiple partners, overcoming a desperate fear or even being sexually inventive.

Meg Harding

Meg Harding is a senior at UCF, currently studying psychology in the hope of becoming a couple's counselor. For as long as she can remember, writing has always been her passion, but she had an inability to ever actually finish anything until recently. She's immensely happy that her inability has fled and looks forward to where her mind will take her next.

You can follow Meg on Twitter.



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