

Happy Birthday To Me

By Barbara Huffert

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Book Description
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A scorching little story that was picked for the July edition of Scarlet Magazine!

General Release Date: 1st January 1970

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: fb_311
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY

About the author
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Barbara Huffert

For Barbara Huffert, reading has always been a favourite pastime. A few years ago, she started her first novel after one of the friends she trades books with challenged her to write something better than the last book they read. Barbara's been writing ever since. With her three opinionated cats sprawled wherever is most inconvenient, she now spends her days happily wandering through the worlds of her characters.

You can take a look at Barbara's Blog and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Reviews (2)
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  Reviewed by Diana

Off the charts hot!!!!! Wish there were more floors and I'd love to see the rest of the story!

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  Reviewed by Delane

This literally melted the page! I loved the hot and intense lift scene followed by a suggestive and sensual birthday that I would have loved to be invited to! The only thing I would have liked to see...

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