

Fast Cars, Loud Music

By Samantha Winston

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Book Description
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A sizzling, sexy fast paced short story from Samantha Winston.

General Release Date: 1st June 2008

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: fb_329
Word Count: 4,632
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 12

About the author
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Samantha Winston

Samantha Winston is the pen name for sci-fi writer Jennifer Macaire. She lives in France with her husband, children, and two dogs. She grew up in upstate New York, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. She graduated and moved to NYC where she modelled for five years for Elite. She went to France and met her husband at the polo club. All that is true. But she mostly likes to make up stories.

Reviews (8)
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  Reviewed by van

Different but it was a good story.

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  Reviewed by jhayboy

Awesome little story, inspriational for a new author. Thanks

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