

Conquest of a Fairy

By Anarie Brady

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Book Description
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A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do, especially to save the woman he loves.

What’s a half fairy, half mortal twenty-year-old girl to do? For Saoirse, the choice is simple—go to the world of the mortals and have a lovely adventure. What she didn’t count on, though, was becoming possessed by the Lianhan Sidhe, the same love fairy who took possession of her mother.

Once the Love Sidhe gains control of a fairy, the poor fairy has no choice but to seduce the first man who comes along. If the man succumbs, as Saoirse’s father did, he is doomed to death, but if he resists, the possessed fairy becomes his slave. Luckily for Saoirse, the first man she comes across is Angus—a strong-willed Irishman who will do anything to drive the Sidhe out of Saoirse.

What’s the mother of a half fairy, half mortal girl to do when her only child is trapped by the same powerful Sidhe she once was? Having traveled the same road, perhaps Morganna can help her daughter exorcise the Lianhan Sidhe. What she didn’t count on, though, was meeting Pat, the brother of her first love.

Pat likes a woman who knows her place and is willing to enforce his expectations with sound discipline when needed!

Reader Advisory: This book contains a scene of attempted rape.

Publisher's Note: This book has been expanded, re-edited and was previously published at Totally Bound Publishing by the author under a different pen-name.

General Release Date: 23rd February 2016

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78651-002-0
Word Count: 21,373
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 64

About the author
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Anarie Brady

I've wanted to be a published writer all my life but have not had the courage, until recently, to actually submit my writings anywhere. I was raised in a very conservative, Catholic family in a very conservative Mid-Western small town (St. Louis is the closest city!). I've always been a bit of a rebel—wanting to forge my own path, state my own opinions. Erotic romances give me an outlet for both.

I also enjoyed writing poetry, but I am finding even more fulfilment in writing erotic stories. What else do I love to do? Cook, eat chocolate, drink wine or Jameson, listen to Celtic music, spend time with my amazing sons and sexy as hell husband, and entertain friends.

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