

The Cowboys of Cavern County: Part Two: A Box Set

By Bella Settarra

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Book Description
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Isla's Irish Cowboy

When he opened his mind, she opened his heart.

Isla Gillingham is a beautiful, successful model, so she’s bound to be a spoiled, selfish diva, right? At least that’s what Kean Maguire presumes until he meets her. His impression changes in a heartbeat when he sees her dressed casually, eating fries, smiling and giggling.

Not one for socializing, Kean is secretly happy to volunteer to take Isla and the photographer into the mountains for a photo shoot until Isla’s manager, Tabitha Merchant, warns him that there is a powerful legal team ready to pounce the minute he slips up. A court battle will not only lose him his job, but also result in the closure of the Fielding Ranch.

Isla is immediately taken with the Irish cowboy and thrilled when he leads their trek into the mountains. His demeanor is anything but friendly, however, and even worse when an accident occurs on a narrow ledge.

Reluctantly, she allows Kean to offer her shelter at his cottage when the weather deteriorates. Given the chance to learn more about each other, can she persuade him that she is not the calculating bitch he assumes? And, is his heart really as cold as the ice outside or will it melt with the driven snow?

As Isla admits that her life isn’t quite as happy as it seems, Kean must disclose his unsavory past, despite knowing it could completely turn her against him. But their lives change entirely when they discover they are not the only ones keeping secrets.


Savannah's Saviors

They saved her from an abusive past. Can she save them from a lonely future?

Thrown out of her marital home on cold, stormy night, Savannah Edgerton has no choice but to keep walking.  She is eventually found by Tom Rankin and Greg Jackson, who nearly run her over on a lonely back road in the dark.

The guys take her back to where they are staying and look after her. Their suspicions are aroused by the bruises and blisters she is covered in, despite her story about being out looking for her dog while her husband is away working.

As the truth unravels about Savannah’s situation, feelings between the three of them grow. Her violent past seems set to ruin her chances of a happy future, however, especially when she discovers that Tom has a criminal record for attacking someone—and that’s not the only secret the two guys are hiding.

Can Savannah ever learn to trust again—and if she can, is her faith in the handsome cowboys justified?


Rihanna's Rancher

There’s no time for love when you’re only passing through town…is there?

When Rihanna Richards takes a job as the new bank manager in Pelican’s Heath, she is relieved to leave her life in the city behind, especially with all the pitiful expressions of those who are only too aware of how Phil Cartwright dumped her shortly before their wedding.

Ace Blenheim, the new foreman at the Shearer Ranch, also came to the town to put his past break-up behind him.

When the two meet, sparks fly. It seems they both have a tendency to wind each other up, and neither is willing to back down. Rihanna’s stubbornness and Ace’s knack for making assumptions lead to a very fiery relationship.

Ace gradually learns a little about his beautiful nemesis, though, and softens his approach toward her. After all, he can’t deny how he has begun to feel about her.

Rihanna secretly has feelings for the gorgeous cowboy but can’t afford to let her heart get broken again—and, besides, she’s not planning to stay long in Pelican’s Heath.

Rihanna discovers that something is very amiss at the bank, and when her life is at stake, will anyone care enough to come to her rescue? And has Ace overstepped the mark completely when he delves into her past?

General Release Date: 14th May 2024

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-80250-911-3
Word Count: 182,753
Language: English
Pages: 722

About the author
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Bella Settarra

Bella Settarra is a British Erotic Romance author and lives in the beautiful English countryside.

She has several published novels to date, with subject matter including cowboys, BDSM and Myth/Fantasy. She has also written short stories for anthologies and has even had some raunchy poems published.

She likes to keep busy, cramming as much into each day as she possibly can, while battling—and is determined to win—against breast cancer. She loves to hear from her readers, so please get in touch!  

You can read Bella's Blog and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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