

Secrets of the Heart

By Anna Lewis

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Book Description
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Falling in love should be something to celebrate, but what if that love has the power to break the heart of your twin sister?

When Tris was sent to prison, Nova visited him every month for six years, but she had to keep that hidden from her family because her twin sister Luna holds Tris responsible for the death of her husband.

Upon his release, Nova is determined to be there for the man who has been her best friend most of her life, but she is also concerned for the welfare of her sister, who isn’t coping well with the idea of Tris being a free man again.

Things are somewhat complicated by the fact that Nova and Tris are coming to terms with their deeper feelings for each other.

They try to keep their new relationship a secret until Luna is ready to deal with it, but when Tris’ liberty is once again threatened, Nova has no option but to come clean and face the consequences.

General Release Date: 15th August 2023

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-80250-799-7
Word Count: 23,072
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 95

About the author
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Anna Lewis

Anna Lewis lives in Scotland, in a small town near Glasgow, with her adored cat companion, Angel the ginger terror.

She has loved romance stories since her teens, when she picked up one of her Mum’s Mills and Boon books, and finds great pleasure in both reading and writing happy endings.

She also writes under the pen name Cassidy Ryan.

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