

One Thing on her Mind?

By Sandra Carmel

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Book Description
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A free story from Sandra Carmel.

General Release Date: 1st August 2022

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
Word Count: 5,803
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 27

About the author
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Sandra Carmel

Sandra Carmel is an own-voices bestselling Australian author of racy, flirty and downright-dirty romance novels, novellas, short stories and poetry, who enjoys stimulating herself and others with words. An obsession with Jane Eyre, and her infatuation with Mr Rochester, were key motivators in commencing her romance writing journey. So far, she has taken the scenic route from steamy paranormal to sci-fi to contemporary, creating provocative stories that delve beneath the surface of desire. She reads and writes a lot, frequently disrupted by her ever-attentive, cheeky cats, and sinfully amorous array of book boyfriends.

You can follow Sandra on Instagram and Bookbub and find her on Amazon.

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