

Unbreakable Bonds

Taige Crenshaw & Aliyah Burke

Customer & Industry Reviews of Unbreakable Bonds

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  Review by Redz World

Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke make a great writing team inUnbreakable Bonds. I love the idea that love can transcend time and come again. But watching it all unfold and seeing the outcome is an amazing ride. I loved this story, I want more like this from this team of authors. They really drew me in and made me fall in love. 

  Review by Romancing the Book

Unbreakable Bonds is a mix of modern and historical that comes together to deliver one compelling tale. This time traveling romance informs, entertains, and romances. I don’t want to reveal too much with this story. So I will simply say there are some wonderful twists and turns. Nicely Done MS. Crenshaw and Ms. Burke.

  Review by Romancing the Book

Unbreakable Bonds is a mix of modern and historical that comes together to deliver one compelling tale. This time traveling romance informs, entertains, and romances. Ta-Mara was a sassy, strong, and intelligent heroine. I loved the way she approached Levi, and the way she struggled to do what was right. I love a strong female lead in touch with her needs. She had a confidence I found intoxicating, and refreshing. It also helped that she as a major bookworm. It made it even easier to connect with her.

  Review by Literary Nymphs Reviews

Racism plays a big part in Unbreakable Bonds and brings love full circle.  Levi is from the South during an era where race mixing isn’t acceptable and Ta-Mara is from the current time, where race might not be an issue at all.  There are two women in Levi’s heart so he’s torn between the past and present.  I can easily imagine Levi in all his glory during the past, but I must say I loved him best during the times he was adjusting to the twenty-first century.  Ta-Mara’s giving nature makes for some very touching scenes and I know readers will feel how genuine she is.  I bet I won’t be the only one looking hopefully at my bookshelf after reading this novel.

  Review by The Jeep Diva

If you love a classic love-at-first sight type novel, with a twist, then this is a must read for you! It’s a feel-good type of story that pulls on your heartstrings. I think you will be very happy with your purchase!

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