

Misery Loves Company

Ellen Ashe

Customer & Industry Reviews of Misery Loves Company

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  Review by Joyfully Reviewed

Misery Loves Company is not your ordinary romance. Ellen Ashe brings creepy to a whole new level and I love it...Misery Loves Company should be in a category all its own because the happily ever after is there, but not in a traditional since. I don&ap

  Review by Simply Romance Reviews

Grade B! This is the first book that I have read by Ms. Ashe and it certainly won't be the last. I found the almost gothic atmosphere of this book appealing and the ending to be surprising and unique.

  Review by NovelTalk

MISERY LOVES COMPANY is an incredibly moving tale that pushes the boundaries of typical romance. Ms. Ashe is a wonderful writer, and I am curious as to what will come next.

  Review by ck2

Ellen Ashe is a master at making the pulses jump and the thoughts whirl with her stories. Misery Loves Company is another brilliant example of that talent.

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